Sunday, June 17, 2007

Water, wasters and w*nkers: Buzzword au-go-go!

Dear Sirs

I write in response to recent articles highlighting the new buzzword of "Oasis Change" that have been appearing in your and other newspapers of late.

In particular I write to express distaste at the fundamental principles behind the decision of oasis changers.

The article in the Sunday Telegraph of 17 June 2007 belies the true nature of the oasis changer, and their inherent inability to adapt to a situation that is increasingly forced upon us all.

A family had decided to move from Brisbane to Armidale to escape the drought. Luckily for the family, the father seems to have a lucrative job that he can undertake working via the internet from almost anywhere.
He said "his family was sick of restrictions that have banned spas and children's play pools and allowed just three watering cans of water for outdoor use per week.
"At the end of the day you get tired of that" he said.

Why not adapt? I'm sure you would like to showcase your self-worth via a large home, pleasant grounds, and large swimming pool. Wouldnt we all. But, why not showcase yourself through other means? Recycling? Lowering water usage? Swimming at the beach? Building a modern sustainable residence, instead of avoiding the problem?

This continent is dry, and we had best get used to it.


The Cut Snake


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