Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Rat-Run objections removed as well?

Re: “Rat-run extinct” (Mosman Daily, 14 August 2008): I congratulate the slightly humorously named STAG for succeeding in closing a notoriously over-used residential shortcut. Now they are able to reverse from their homes without fear of accidents, which is as it should be. I can understand the STAG opposition to the widening of the Spit Bridge and the impact that it would have had if their street was used as a short-cut by more vehicles. Now that the short cut is being removed, will their opposition to the Spit Bridge widening (or whichever alternative option the State presents) be removed along with it?

If not, I propose a set of traffic lights at Medusa Street, thereby enabling the Pearl Bay Avenue residents to turn right onto Spit Road, and join with the other traffic for their drive to the city.

This, I believe, is a fair solution for all.


The Cut Snake

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Can sports people do anything?

Background: Manly NRL prop Jason King had a verdict from Manly Court overturned for drink-driving recently. The judge noted a 'technical breach' had been committed, but no conviction was to be recorded. The 6-month loss of license and $500 fine was removed.

I wonder about the effects of an article such as the front page news of Jason King ("Parking Under the Influence", Manly Daily, 4.12.07).

If Jason King is such an 'oustanding young man in the local community' as the article quoted, how is it that he has four prior convictions involving motor vehicles? If the vehicle he moved wasnt in a place it could be left until the next morning, it perhaps should not have been there at all?

Little wonder that parents are pushing their children into sports at an early age. Perhaps they can foresee a future for them of seemingly being able to "breach" laws and escape conviction. They may have legal teams available to them for their defense, and their fellow members of high local social repute will stand up for them. In this way, the elite sportsman will not have to be wholly responsible for their own actions. This has been increasingly highlighted in recent months. I wonder how Scott Fava feels, being fined many thousands of dollar for mis-handling a Quokka while Jason King gets a slapped wrist.

If Jason King is bought before a court on this same charge again, perhaps the judge will recall his lucky break and not be so lenient on an alcohol-influenced driver. Any vehicle has the capacity to cause damage if the person controlling it, even for a brief period, is impaired by alcohol.

The Cut Snake

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Why does rugby league bother with scrums any more?

Note: The following is an email I sent to the Footy Show and Sunday Footy Show on channel 9 during the 2006 rugby league season. It is still valid. I have edited it slightly to elaborate, and have re-sent it to the above panels. I tried locating a feedback or question page on the website, to no avail, so these were the only other options of any expertise.

Hello panel

I have a question regarding the modern scrum feed.

In years past, the scrum feed went up the centre, with the hooking role called into play to contest the ball in the centre of the scrum. The feed was to go down the centre of the two packs once down. It was a genuine contest of strength and hooking skill.

Now, we see feeds travelling into the scrum between the legs of the prop closest to the halfback. This gives any opposing hooker no chance to contest any ball. Often we see the far side prop or even hooker with his head out of the scrum if it packs too quickly, without penalty or recall by the referee to repack the scrum. The ball path is very predictable, which enables the halfback to quickly step to the second row and retrieve the ball from under the lock/second row line.

Even from the shape of the scrums it is easy to tell that the packs are applying little force to try to push the other pack off the mark. This can be seen as compared to rugby union scrums that are generally very low and horizontal in their shape, indicating the force of the packs opposing.

Rugby league scrums are now very upright and often degenerate into a loose group of people instead of a pack. Although many rugby union scrums appear to be fed in much the same manner these days, losing the element of a contest.

Is there any movement back to a genuine contest at the scrum? Forward sizes are sufficient to maintain a scrum push, and many of them are much more mobile than their predecessors. A hooker would therefore return to his originally named role, and the idea of an each-way bet on a scrum win bought back into play.

The other impact on the game is forwards mobility. The essence of a forward nowadays is a ball runner, with an ability to offload if they have a hand free. Luke Bailey is a prime example of this. Forwards of old were all leg drive and mass, not necessarily muscle and strength. With mobile forwards have come larger centres and backs. You only need look at Luke Rooney (192cm, 98kg) to see an example of a winger who would possibly have passed as a front- or second-rower in the 1980's. If the scrum were to return to its intended purpose, the flow-on effects may lead to grassroots rugby league following suit and a more diverse range of players taking to a park week after week.

I'd love to hear your thoughts.


The Cut Snake

Wednesday, July 4, 2007


Dear Sirs

In the tradition of the Six o'clock Swill of old, I propose a new, more recent tradition for Australians.

Whilst the Six o'clock Swill was a nightly event, we now have a weekly sight that is worthy of a moniker.

Therefore I respectfully submit the nomenclature Midweek Fill Mayhem.

Tuesday nights is the usual occurence, but can stretch to wednesday mornings from time to time. At the majority of petrol stations is a line up of vehicles awaiting their turn at the bowser, desperate to get in before the world oil price magically rises on an Australian wednesday morning, as the oil companies are so at pains to tell us. Circumstances beyond their control, and all that.

Suddenly, barren forceourts are turned into parking areas, queues spill dangerously out of driveways onto main and well-used roads, and sane people forget their fellow man and pinch centimetres in their cars in order to be next at the pump.

I look forward to a spate of other traditions that will spring up with three-word names, and much alliteration.


The Cut Snake

Monday, June 25, 2007

Pedestrian Council outrage at safe event? Deja vu!

Dear Sirs

I write in response to yet another totally outrageous and unsupportable claim by the Pedestrian Council chairman, Harold Scruby, in your newspaper.

Mr. Scruby has once again opened his mouth and planted his foot firmly inside it. How can he justify calling the Roads Ministers actions "appalling"? The Roads Minister is not condoning illegal street racing, illegal drag racing or unsafe practice in any way. The 'auction prize' that Mr Roozendaal has offered is at a legal drag strip, with international safety standards in place for the control of such an event, with a professional driver.

The comparison Mr Scruby makes between this event and the tragic accident in the US is laughable in the extreme. I ask Mr Scruby to demonstrate to the public the direct comparison, citing a lack of safety equipment, and lack of crowd control at the US event as contributing factors. Both of which are addressed at the Western Sydney International Dragway.

I respectfully suggest Mr Scruby, and his 'compatriot in outrage", shadow roads minister Mr Andrew Fraser, attend an event at WSID and see for themselves the standards of safety and enjoyment that people garner from partaking in the event in such an orgasnised and professional manner.


The Cut Snake


Sunday, June 17, 2007

Water, wasters and w*nkers: Buzzword au-go-go!

Dear Sirs

I write in response to recent articles highlighting the new buzzword of "Oasis Change" that have been appearing in your and other newspapers of late.

In particular I write to express distaste at the fundamental principles behind the decision of oasis changers.

The article in the Sunday Telegraph of 17 June 2007 belies the true nature of the oasis changer, and their inherent inability to adapt to a situation that is increasingly forced upon us all.

A family had decided to move from Brisbane to Armidale to escape the drought. Luckily for the family, the father seems to have a lucrative job that he can undertake working via the internet from almost anywhere.
He said "his family was sick of restrictions that have banned spas and children's play pools and allowed just three watering cans of water for outdoor use per week.
"At the end of the day you get tired of that" he said.

Why not adapt? I'm sure you would like to showcase your self-worth via a large home, pleasant grounds, and large swimming pool. Wouldnt we all. But, why not showcase yourself through other means? Recycling? Lowering water usage? Swimming at the beach? Building a modern sustainable residence, instead of avoiding the problem?

This continent is dry, and we had best get used to it.


The Cut Snake
